This tool allows you to identify which languages are spoken by residents in Wandsworth as well as residents ability to speak English. You can see which parts of the borough these residents live in at both Ward and LSOA level.
Notes & Tips
- All data in this explorer is publicly available information from the 2021 Census.
- All maps have additional information provided when you hover over Wards / LSOAs with the
- Hold down the CTRL button when using a filter to select multiple options.
- If you click on any part of a bar chart or map this should filter the rest of the visuals on the page. Clicking on the white space within that visual will remove the filtering (but won’t affect filters selected from drop down boxes).
- If the text or visuals are too small in the default view, you can expand the report to full screen using the Expand option in the bottom-right (two-way arrow symbol). Press the ESC button to go back to the default view.